This entry level class is designed for all new Krav Maga students. The goal of the class is to teach the basics of self defense and fighting. Students will learn Krav Maga’s fighting stance and movement, various punches, kicks from standing position as well as from on the ground, elbows and knees, and how to defend against punches, chokes, headlocks and wrist grabs. Students who train an average of two times per week should expect to complete the curriculum in four months before testing into KM Level 2.

Yellow Belt is the first stage in learning our Krav Maga curriculum. If you attend class at one of Krav Maga Worldwide’s certified schools, you will start here at Yellow Belt, or “Level 1.” The average training time for this level (assuming at least two training sessions per week) is four months.

The curriculum at this level introduces basic strikes such as straight punches, elbows, front kicks, and knees – the meat and potatoes of a street fight. You’ll also learn how to deal with common chokes and headlocks. In addition, the techniques here offer a clear representation of the principles of Krav Maga – ideas such as explosive movements, instinct-based responses, and simultaneous defense-and-counterattack.

Material introduced at this level includes the following:

Krav Maga defines “combatives” as the ballistic techniques used both in fighting and in self-defense. The bulk of these techniques involves punches, kicks, elbow strikes, and knees, but Krav Maga never excludes other combative actions such as biting and scratching. Think of combatives as tools to help you in a fight. They are an integral part of self-defense. Even if you’re interested in Krav Maga only for self-defense and have no interest in fighting, you must learn basic combatives. While Krav Maga self-defense techniques address the danger, combative techniques are vital in order to eliminate subsequent threats. The combative techniques described here are designed to cause sufficient damage to the attacker in order to remove further threats, while keeping you relatively safe.

Defenses and Self-Defense
Krav Maga defines “self defense” in simpler terms: The attacker has committed himself to an attack, while you are unprepared, forcing you to respond to an immediate threat from a position of disadvantage.

While such defenses as 360″ Defense and Inside Defense could be put into the self-defense category when used as reflex reactions against a surprise punch, in general, the self-defense category covers defenses against chokes, bearhugs, headlocks and other holds. In more advanced phases of training, self-defense will include responses to knife and stick attacks as well as threats with a handgun.

Several main criteria should be used to examine and understand any defense technique in Krav Maga. The technique should:

  • Be based on natural instincts/reactions.
  • Be simple and usable by people of different strengths and body sizes.
  • Work from a position of disadvantage or poor state of readiness.
  • Address the immediate danger.
  • Include a simultaneous (or nearly simultaneous) counterattack to neutralize further attacks.
  • Be comprehensive enough to cover a wide variety of scenarios.

Soft Techniques
At times, a less-damaging technique may be the appropriate response to a situation. Example of such situations include one person simply trying to delay another; a drunken but otherwise harmless acquaintance at a party; and a person holding onto a wrist and unaware of the defender’s urgent need to move away. For these instances, “soft” techniques are designed to remove the defender from any potential danger without harming the other party. These techniques are to be used only if you feel no real threat. If you feel you are in danger, “harder” techniques (especially combatives) should be used.

Ground fighting
Krav Maga assumes that, even if the attacker does not try to take you down, you may slip and find yourself down while the attacker is up. This section introduces basic ground fighting positioning and movement. Among the techniques are three basic kicks from the ground: front kick, round kick, and side kick.

Level 1 Mindset and Tactics

Welcome to the first stage of your Krav Maga journey – Level 1. This chapter will detail the mindset and tactics you will need to master at this level, explaining their importance and how they lay the groundwork for your progress in East Texas Krav Maga.


The Level 1 mindset is all about 'Situational Awareness' and the instinct to 'Fight Back.'

Situational Awareness: This is the principle of always being alert and aware of your surroundings. It's about perceiving everything around you and understanding the potential threats each element might represent. This mentality isn't just about preparing for physical confrontation; it's also about being aware of the exits in a building, noticing suspicious behavior in a crowd, or simply recognizing when something feels "off." Enhancing situational awareness is about training your mind to process information quickly and make swift, effective decisions even in high-stress situations.

Fight Back: This mindset encourages students to overcome our inherent freeze response in threatening situations and to take proactive measures. It's about realizing that you have the right and the ability to defend yourself when threatened. This mindset can empower you and give you the confidence to use the physical tactics you learn. It's not about promoting violence, but rather affirming your right to safety and self-protection.Tactics

The tactical components you will learn at this level are 'Getting off the X' and 'Creating Space.'

Get off the "X": This is the fundamental concept of rapidly moving out of the direct line of an attack. Whether you're faced with a punch, kick, or any form of direct assault, the objective is to sidestep, duck, or otherwise evade the immediate threat. The 'X' refers to the target area that an attacker aims to hit. By moving off the 'X', you deny them their target and create an opportunity to counter-attack.

Create Space: Once you've evaded the immediate threat, creating space between you and your opponent gives you room to reassess the situation, escape if possible, or prepare for further engagement. This can involve techniques like pushing the attacker away, retreating to a safer distance, or using objects in the environment as a barrier. It's about maintaining a tactical advantage and keeping control of the situation as much as possible.

Why are They Important to This Level and Beyond?

The mindset of 'Situational Awareness' and 'Fight Back' forms the bedrock for the mental preparation needed in Krav Maga. These principles guide how you think about and approach a potential threat. It encourages proactive thought and action, preparing you for higher levels where the complexity and intensity of situations increase.

The tactics of 'Getting off the X' and 'Creating Space' provide you with practical tools for immediate response. They are often the first steps in any defensive scenario and serve as the foundation for more advanced tactics in subsequent levels. These Level 1 tactics are about basic survival and control, crucial for any self-defense scenario.