Benefits of Krav Maga

The decision to start Krav Maga training involves different factors for every person. Some people start training purely out of curiosity, while others have specific goals in mind, like progressing through the Krav Maga belt system or changing their workout routine. For some, the decision to start self-defense training stems from fear or trauma. All of these reasons to start…

Quick Decisions Save Lives

Quick Decisions Can Save Lives: The Power of Krav Maga TrainingIn our fast-paced world, the ability to make quick, effective decisions is more than a skill—it’s a necessity. Especially when it comes to personal safety, the right decision can mean the difference between harm and safety, between vulnerability and protection. That’s where Krav Maga, a modern self-defense system developed for…

Krav Maga training you to be Left of Bang

Immersive Training and “Left of Bang”In the realms of military strategy and personal safety, the concept of being “left of bang” represents a pivotal shift in how we approach situational awareness and threat recognition. Coined by Patrick Van Horne and Jason Riley in their seminal work, “Left of Bang,” this principle underscores the importance of anticipation and readiness—staying ahead of…

The Importance of Preparedness in the Current Climate

The Importance of Preparedness in the Current Climate In our journey through Lee Morrison’s Tier 1 Civilian program, we’ve explored the potential within us to rise above the average civilian’s response in crisis situations. As we venture further, we confront a pivotal question that Morrison challenges us with: In the current climate, could dedicated study and training significantly improve your…

Complacency #2

Complacency in Training: A Hidden Threat to Self-Defense ReadinessIntroduction:In the first article of our series, we delved into the concept of complacency, exploring its definition, psychological underpinnings, and the potential dangers it poses in self-defense scenarios. We uncovered how complacency, often mistaken for confidence, can create a false sense of security, leaving individuals unprepared for real-world threats. As we transition…

TACMED for Advanced Krav Maga training

In real-world scenarios, the risk of injury during an armed confrontation is significant. Whether it’s a knife slash, a gunshot wound, or trauma from a blunt object, the likelihood of either the defender or an innocent bystander getting hurt is high. This reality underscores the need for Krav Maga practitioners, especially those dealing with weapon defense, to be proficient in…

Overcome the Paralysis of Fear

At ETKM, we believe in the power of controlled exposure to stress. Through simulated scenarios that mimic real-life threats, students gradually learn to manage their fear and anxiety. This method, akin to immersion therapy, allows the body and mind to get accustomed to the stress of a confrontation. Over time, this exposure reduces the intensity of the freeze response.

Unleashing Lee Morrison's Philosophies in Krav Maga

Lee Morrison’s self-defense philosophy, though distinct from Krav Maga in practice, closely aligns with the principles that make Krav Maga effective and empowering. His emphasis on proactive action, emotional readiness, and the recognition of the harsh reality of violence mirrors the core beliefs of Krav Maga. Whether you practice Krav Maga or embrace Morrison’s approach, the shared ethos of preparedness,…

Empowering Teenage Girls with Krav Maga Training

Empowering Teenage Girls: The Importance of Learning Krav Maga As young girls transition into adolescence, they face a myriad of challenges, from physical and emotional changes to navigating complex social dynamics. One aspect of personal development that often goes overlooked, however, is the importance of self-defense. Krav Maga, a highly effective martial art and self-defense system, has gained popularity in recent…

"Train More…Fear Less!" Not just a mantra, It's in our DNA.

“Train More…Fear Less!” Not just a mantra, It’s in our DNA.Krav Maga is a self-defense system that focuses on practical techniques to protect oneself in real-life situations. At the heart of Krav Maga training is the mantra “Train More…Fear Less!” This philosophy is based on the idea that the more a person trains, the more confident and capable they become,…