How Not to Freeze
Overcoming Fear: How Not to Freeze“Every man is scared in his first action…the real hero is the man who fights even though he’s scared. Some get over their fright in a minute under fire; others take an hour; for some it takes days; but a real man will never let the fear of death overpower…” -General George Patton There are people…
Good Fear vs Bad Fear
Fear sucks, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It’s a powerful motivator that can keep us alive. It motivates us to wear our seatbelts and avoid certain parts of town late at night. Fear management expert Tony Blauer says how you learn to cope with fear could be the most important thing you do, both in your…
Self Defense with attitude...Fitness with an Edge!
East Texas Krav Maga
2918 E. Grande Blvd.
Tyler TX 75707