Welcome to a Fusion of Fighting Arts: A Krav Maga Journey Introduction Welcome to our blog series where we explore the dynamic world of Krav Maga, a self-defense system that doesn’t just prepare you for confrontations but equips you to overcome them. I’m a Krav Maga instructor with a passion for integrating the most effective techniques from various martial arts.…

Unleashing Lee Morrison's Philosophies in Krav Maga

Lee Morrison’s self-defense philosophy, though distinct from Krav Maga in practice, closely aligns with the principles that make Krav Maga effective and empowering. His emphasis on proactive action, emotional readiness, and the recognition of the harsh reality of violence mirrors the core beliefs of Krav Maga. Whether you practice Krav Maga or embrace Morrison’s approach, the shared ethos of preparedness,…

Why Courage is more important than Motivation and Confidence.

Motivation, Confidence, and Courage are three important concepts that are often interchanged and misunderstood. Each of them has a significant role to play in achieving our goals and overcoming obstacles. While motivation and confidence are important, it is courage that enables us to get past and through difficult things.

Empowering Teenage Girls with Krav Maga Training

Empowering Teenage Girls: The Importance of Learning Krav Maga As young girls transition into adolescence, they face a myriad of challenges, from physical and emotional changes to navigating complex social dynamics. One aspect of personal development that often goes overlooked, however, is the importance of self-defense. Krav Maga, a highly effective martial art and self-defense system, has gained popularity in recent…

"Train More…Fear Less!" Not just a mantra, It's in our DNA.

“Train More…Fear Less!” Not just a mantra, It’s in our DNA.Krav Maga is a self-defense system that focuses on practical techniques to protect oneself in real-life situations. At the heart of Krav Maga training is the mantra “Train More…Fear Less!” This philosophy is based on the idea that the more a person trains, the more confident and capable they become,…

Understanding Physiology & Psychology of Violence for Krav Maga students

The book “On Combat” written by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman can be a valuable resource for Krav Maga students as it provides insights into the psychology of violence and how it affects the body and mind. In addition, Cooper’s Color Code, which is discussed in the book, can be an essential tool for mental awareness and preparedness.

Sparring Principles

          LEVEL 6 Curriculum  HandgunsBasic Handgun Defense PrinciplesBasic Gun Threat from Front (Dead-Side Option)Basic Gun Threat from Front “Cupping” Defense (Live-Side Option)Gun Threat with Shirt Grab (Centerline)Gun Threat with Shirt Grab (Short Side to Left)Gun Threat with Hand at Chest (Space for Redirection)Gun Threat with Hand at Chest (No Space for Redirection)Gun Threat with Push (Short…

          KRAV MAGA INFO The Krav Maga System Krav Maga has a worldwide reputation as being an ideal means of defending one’s life or the life of a third party, whether the threat involves unarmed assailants, armed assailants, or multiple assailants. The Krav Maga system has received exceptional international recognition as the leading modern-day innovative and highly…

Goals for ETKM Levels

ETKM Goals for each Training Level of Krav MagaLEVEL ONE (Yellow Belt)Striking and Movement – basic striking for self defense (straight punches, elbows, knees, kicks); basic stance and movementControl – Head and Neck control, Arm Drag, Duck UnderSelf Defense – Defend against basic chokes and rear headlock, Basic punch defense against straight and haymaker punches, Defense against basic takedownsGround —…

Firearms use in Self Defense

In an analysis, 482 firearms self-defense incidents were examined. All involved the use of firearms by private citizens in self defense or defense of others. No law enforcement related incidents were included.