How Not to Freeze
Overcoming Fear: How Not to Freeze“Every man is scared in his first action…the real hero is the man who fights even though he’s scared. Some get over their fright in a minute under fire; others take an hour; for some it takes days; but a real man will never let the fear of death overpower…” -General George Patton There are people…
Fear 101
The Problem with Fear At East Texas Krav Maga we teach students to defend themselves. We often find what brought those students to our door is fear. They know deep down inside we live in a violent society where bad people do bad things. As we work with them toward their goals, we often uncover other fears that have to…
Why Women’s Self-Defense Is Not Enough
Straight Talk on Women’s Self-Defense and Domestic Violence How big a concern is violent crime for women in Texas? Late last year Texas DPS released a Texas crime analysis with chilling statistics. In 2016, there was one murder every six hours and a rape every 40 minutes. Every 16 minutes someone committed a robbery, and every 7 minutes a Texan…
New Student’s Guide to Krav Maga Training
New Student Guide to training in Krav MagaWhen you take your first few classes at East Texas Krav Maga, you’ll most likely feel exhilarated and empowered. Students leave their very first class with knowledge they could use if they were choked, picked up or dragged. Krav Maga is the official self-defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces because it works,…
How to Prepare Your Mind for Physical Aggression
How to Prepare Your Mind for Physical AggressionWhat does it mean when an East Texas Krav Maga instructor tells students to act with more aggression, more violence? If as a student those instructions have caused you to feel confusion, you’re not alone. You’re punching the pad as hard as you can or sending endless knee strikes, and that seems violent…
Self Defense with attitude...Fitness with an Edge!
East Texas Krav Maga
2918 E. Grande Blvd.
Tyler TX 75707