Why Courage is more important than Motivation and Confidence.
Motivation, Confidence, and Courage are three important concepts that are often interchanged and misunderstood. Each of them has a significant role to play in achieving our goals and overcoming obstacles. While motivation and confidence are important, it is courage that enables us to get past and through difficult things.
Goals for ETKM Levels
ETKM Goals for each Training Level of Krav MagaLEVEL ONE (Yellow Belt)Striking and Movement – basic striking for self defense (straight punches, elbows, knees, kicks); basic stance and movementControl – Head and Neck control, Arm Drag, Duck UnderSelf Defense – Defend against basic chokes and rear headlock, Basic punch defense against straight and haymaker punches, Defense against basic takedownsGround —…
Why Women’s Self-Defense Is Not Enough
Straight Talk on Women’s Self-Defense and Domestic Violence How big a concern is violent crime for women in Texas? Late last year Texas DPS released a Texas crime analysis with chilling statistics. In 2016, there was one murder every six hours and a rape every 40 minutes. Every 16 minutes someone committed a robbery, and every 7 minutes a Texan…
How Krav Maga Fundamentally Changed Me
For those of you who have known me both prior to and during my Krav Maga training, you probably have recognized a change (or many) in me as a person. It is my desire to help you understand the changes that I have experienced, the heart behind why I am so thankful I started taking classes, and why I feel…
Self Defense with attitude...Fitness with an Edge!
East Texas Krav Maga
2918 E. Grande Blvd.
Tyler TX 75707